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Cheryl’s Retirement Party

Bob  called on Wed 5/22 to let me know that Cheryl’s Retirement Party at Disney was on Friday and wanted to know if I could come over for it!  YEA!  That’s what I love about retirement!!  Sure!  I left the next morning (Thurs 5/23) to drive to their house.  During this time Cheryl was living with a friend close to Disneyland so as not to have to drive from the Desert every morning and then would come home for the weekend.  We decided we would make this a surprise visit !

I got there around mid-day on Thursday and we almost got busted as I was going to go in the front door and Cheryl’s phone would have pinged with someone at the door and shown who it was!  Bob ran out before I even got out of the car and had me go in thru the garage so she wouldn’t be warned that I had driven over!

On Friday morning, 5/24, we drove to Disneyland and we helped get things set up for the party! 


When they were ready to bring Cheryl in they hid me in a back room and after her arrival, announced there was a couple ‘surprise’ guests!  Very fun!


It was a great party with a great turn out of people!  But I guess no matter how old you are some of the childhood magic stills comes out when Mickey, himself, came into the room!  Really?  Everyone knows it’s some poor sweaty employee inside that costume, the that doesn’t even begin to distract from how special it was to be at a party with Mickey! 

After the party was over Cheryl got me into Disneyland for the rest of the afternoon!  Cheryl stayed behind for a while helping to clean up and get stuff out of her office.  After a couple hours Bob and Cheryl and I met up in the park and went on rides for the rest of the day!  Disneyland is still so magical!  But Disneyland at night with all the fireworks is unreal!  It was such a great day and I had so much fun!

Disneyland will always hold a magical place in my heart!